Jesus said, "The words I have spoken to you - they are full of the Spirit and life." John 6:63
Empower Your Faith Community with Tailored Biblical Teachings

Teaching Engagements with Mary Jean Powers

Mary Jean Powers, the heart behind “Get the Word Out,” offers a unique and flexible approach to spiritual education and biblical teaching. No longer focusing on hosting standard events, Mary Jean is open to invitations for a wide array of engagements designed to deepen faith, understanding, and application of God’s Word. Whether it’s a retreat, church service, conference, or an intimate Bible study, Mary Jean brings her passion for the Scriptures and decades of teaching experience to you.

Available For: Retreats Church Services Walk Thru the Bible Seminars Conferences Intensives Bible Study Groups Workshops Seminars And more…

Adaptable Topics for Every Setting

Mary Jean’s teachings are not one-size-fits-all. Each topic can be tailored to fit the duration and depth your group needs, from a concise Sunday sermon to a comprehensive 30-hour intensive. Her approach is interactive and immersive, employing various study methods to unlock deeper insights into Scripture.

Transformative Learning Experiences

Invite Mary Jean to Your Next Event

Mary Jean’s intensives have historically been a powerful way to engage with Scripture, offering an immersive experience that’s both educational and spiritually enriching. While the format of these intensives has evolved, the core mission remains: to facilitate meaningful, transformative encounters with the Word of God.

Interested in enriching your community’s spiritual journey? Reach out to discuss how Mary Jean can contribute to your next event. Together, let’s create a space for deep, impactful learning and spiritual growth.

Bible Study for Single Young Adults!

Longmont, CO
Thursdays at 7:00 PM
Contact Mary Jean  to Register

Walk Through the Bible Old Testament Seminar

Evangelical Free Church of Windsor, 700 Pine Drive  Windsor, CO
Monday, August 26th
9:00am – 3:30pm 
(bring a sack lunch, snacks, and water bottle)
$30 per person ages 12+
($90.00 cap for families with more than 3 paying participants!)